Fullerton College Library

Photography in the Library

Anyone who wants to photograph, film, record or draw in the library interior must first schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to review and approve requests in order to ensure the comfort and privacy of all library visitors and staff, as well as the protection of library resources. 

Appointments are available for 30 minutes before opening hours. No one is allowed to photograph, film, record or draw material where individuals are identifiable without their explicit consent, so scheduling before opening hours provides access to an unpopulated interior and helps to protect visitor privacy. Please review the library home page for current opening hours.

Recording for an assignment

Please fill out the Library Early Entry Request Form. These forms require the course instructor’s signature and must be received at least 48 hours prior to the desired appointment date. Please bring the signed requests to the Division Office in room 823 (second floor), Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Recording for media, professional, commercial or other purposes

Please contact Dean Dani Wilson at dwilson@fullcoll.edu for approval.

Recording for personal purposes

To ensure the comfort and privacy of all library visitors and staff, recordings for personal purposes are not allowed in the library. The one exception is recordings done in the OneButton Studio on the second floor.