Fullerton College Library
Students: Want to tap your talent to earn a gift card?
Help the library to increase student engagement with our space by creating an art piece that is inspired by FC Library or books/libraries in general. Submit an entry in 1 of these 3 categories:
- Small, approx. 18” * 24”
- Medium, up to poster size, approx. 24” * 36”
- Large, greater than 24*36
Four winners will be awarded the following prizes:
- Small Category Winner — $50 Visa Gift Card
- Medium Category Winner — $75 Visa Gift Card
- Large Category
- Winner — $100 Visa Gift Card
- Honorable Mention — $75 Visa Gift Card
Each winner will be given an opportunity to display their work in the library.
Steps to Participate
1) Create an original work of art in 2D or 3D format:
- Entries are limited to 1 artwork per student. There is no submission fee.
- Entries must be original.
- Entrants must be current FC students. Include name, email, phone number, and postal address with submission.
- All 3-D works must have a stable base or flat bottom. Mobiles accepted if ready to hang.
- All 2-D works must be ready to hang: no wet work will be accepted, works on paper must be matted or mounted, indicate top of work if it is unclear, no sawtooth hanging clips.
- Presentation of work must be secure and stable.
2) Print and fill out entry form: Artwork Submission Form.
3) Drop off: Bring artwork & artwork submission form to the FC Library Circulation Desk by 3:45pm, Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.
Selection Process
The winning art pieces will be selected by a panel of judges and housed in the library. Winners will be notified by email. Winning art pieces will become the property of the library.
We request that all unselected artworks be picked up Monday, Dec. 2 – Saturday, Dec 14, 2024. Students who do not retrieve their work by the deadline — forfeit their work to FCL, and FCL reserves the right to display, keep, store, donate, sell, or dispose of unclaimed artwork.
Contact Librarian Monique Delatte @ mdelatte@fullcoll.edu, 714.992.7379

Academic Honesty
Fullerton College’s policy on plagiarism fully applies. Participating students are responsible for submitting academically honest work by submitting original work, with credit given to any sources where required, which includes the full, proper and complete use of citations and works cited pages. Works with suspected plagiarism will be disqualified. Works suspected of having been created wholly or partially with generative artificial intelligence output tools, such as ChatGPT, will be disqualified.