Fullerton College Library
Items on Reserve
eReserve requests for scanned materials can be made at Electronic Reserves – Electronic Reserves – LibGuides at Fullerton College. Faculty can further explore other electronic options, such as our databases and OER.
Reserve materials may be available through collaborations with campus partners such as:
Programs such as the FC Queer Book Club and FC Leisure Reading Group distribute reading materials through the reserve desk as needed.
Faculty Guidelines
Please fill out the Copyright Compliance Form and the appropriate Reserve Request form.
While eReserve requests for scanned materials can be made at Electronic Reserves – Electronic Reserves – LibGuides at Fullerton College, we encourage faculty to explore other electronic options, such as our databases and OER.
Guidelines are provided to assist faculty but do not preclude further restrictions by the Library.
- The purpose of the Reserve Collection is to facilitate the distribution of materials for educational use by students. The policy for the Fullerton College Library Reserve Collection is derived from the Fair Use provisions of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. To assist in determining whether an item can be used, faculty may use the “Fair Use Evaluator” on the American Library Association website. Also consult the NOCCCD policy on Use of Copyrighted Materials.
- All materials placed on reserve will be at the initiative of faculty for the non-commercial, educational use of Fullerton College and North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) students.
- Because storage space is limited, faculty will be restricted in the number of items that they can put on reserve.
- A copyright notice will appear on photocopies to be placed on reserve to indicate that these items are covered by copyright law. The library will attach the notice during processing.
- Faculty’s personal items will have processing materials, such as barcodes, labels, tape, etc., attached to them. These processing materials may not always be removed without causing damage to the items.
Obtaining Copyright Permissions
Permission requests should be sent to the copyright owner. The Copyright Clearance Center also has the right to grant permission and to collect fees for some publications. The American Association of Publishers recommends that the following information be included in the request to expedite processing:
- Title, author and/or editor and edition of materials to be reproduced.
- Exact material to be used, giving page numbers, chapters and if possible, a photocopy of the material.
- Number of copies to be made.
- Proposed usage of the materials.
- Form of distribution. (Library Reserve Collection for student use only)
- Whether or not the material will be sold. (Students have short-term borrowing privileges only)
- Type of reprint. (Photocopies in most cases)
In some instances, the publisher may assess a fee. It is not permissible to pass this fee on to the students using the copies.
Contact Information
Please contact library staff if you have questions about reserves.
Efrain Villanueva, Circulation Supervisor, at evillanueva@fullcoll.edu
Ché Hernandez, chernandez@fullcoll.edu
Mike Ferrari, mferrari1@fullcoll.edu
Sandra Avalos, savalos@fullcoll.edu
Contact the Circulation Librarian and OER Liaison, Jane Ishibashi, at jishibashi@fullcoll.edu if you have any questions about copyright, Open Educational Resources, or the library databases.