Fullerton College Library


Fullerton College Library is committed to providing information on our website in an accessible format. If you have difficulty accessing any of the information on our website, please contact our staff via email at librarian@fullcoll.edu and tell us the nature of the accessibility issue. You may also contact a designated staff member from the list below.

General assistance is available in person, over the phone, and via electronic mail during library service hours, but there are designated library staff members who can assist DSS students with their library and research needs.  In addition, the UbiDuo device for communicating using two keyboards and monitors is located at the Circulation counter and can be used by any library staff person. Staff are also happy to help students with locating books, logging on to computers, tours of the library, and any other general assistance.

If DSS students would like assistance with research related matters such as using databases, MLA/APA citations, and finding resources, there are three librarians who can assist, although any librarian is happy to provide assistance. Consult the contact list below.

Adaptive Computers

There are two adaptive computers in the Research area equipped with a scanner, Kurzweil 3000, JAWS, Zoomtext, and Open Book software provided by DSS. Log on with your student Banner ID and MyGateway password. One station has a Magnisight Video Magnifier attached to it.  In addition, there are two adaptive computers in the Computer Commons, and two adaptive computers in the Classroom 827. Students should have received training from DSS on using the special software and equipment since library staff are not trained to use them. While DSS students have the right to equal access, they should not dislodge other students from computers, study rooms, etc. However, staff may request that a non-DSS student using an adaptive computer move to a free computer, if available, when a DSS student communicates that they must use special software.

Please note: Students who would like to use the Kurzweil 3000 software must first meet with a counselor from DSS and receive a username and password


1st floor restrooms are through the 1st set of front doors, then turn right down the tiled hallway. The Friends of the Library bookstore is on the left before the short right turn. The restrooms are on the left side of the hallway. 1st door Womens/2nd door Mens. The drinking fountain is between the restrooms.

2nd floor restrooms are located slightly behind the elevator and down the short hall before the door to the library staff and administrative offices. Restrooms are on the right side of the hallway. 1st door Womens/2nd door Mens. Drinking fountain is between the restrooms.  Meeting room 822 is on the left side.


As you come in the front doors, the elevator is located on the right after the second set of front doors. It is to the right of the Japanese Doll exhibit on the first floor.


The library subscribes to several databases that offer an embedded text-to-speech toolbar for HTML (Full-Text) articles.

Contact one of the librarians, (Jane Ishibashi, Tim Ream, or Lugene Rosen), if you’d like to schedule a one-on-one consultation for assistance with a research assignment. A librarian can spend about 30 minutes with you working on aspects of the research process such as narrowing your topic, finding appropriate search terms, or citing your sources.

Study Room Exception

Normally, study rooms are used by a minimum of two students, but if a DSS student feels that he/she qualifies for an exception to use a study room as an individual, speak with a staff member in the DSS office.

      • DSS students should obtain a letter stating that DSS confirms their need for a study room on their own so they can present it to staff at the Circulation counter. The letter should be on Fullerton College stationary.
      • Students with a DSS letter may check out a room on their own as availability permits. Days/times when it is more likely that there will be rooms available are at the beginning of the semester and also evenings, Fridays and Saturdays.
      • Groups of students have priority so a DSS student may be asked to vacate the study room if a group comes to the Circulation counter and there are no other rooms available. While there is a free room for groups, DSS students may use the study room for the full two hour loan period.



Tim Ream

Librarian, Systems

Lugene Rosen

Librarian, Online Learning



Efrain Villanueva

Library Assistant III, Circulation

Che Hernandez

Library Assistant II, Circulation



Michael Ferrari

Library Assistant I, Circulation

Donald Mai

Library Assistant I, Circulation