Fullerton College Library
Do you have thoughts, opinions, or ideas about needing to protect free speech? Here’s your chance to learn more and to write about the history of banned books and their impacts on our society. Pick a banned book and write about it. The best essays get prizes!
Read all about Banned Books at the library.
All currently enrolled Fullerton College students are eligible to participate.
Three winners (first, second and third place) will be awarded the following prizes:
- $200 for first place
- $100 for second place
- $50 for third place
Certificates of achievement will be issued to the winners. Certificates of participation will be awarded to all participants upon request.
Banned Books Week is an annual awareness campaign spearheaded by the American Library Association to celebrate the freedom to read. Throughout human history, and across many countries and cultures, many books have been banned, confiscated, censored, destroyed in bonfires, had content edited out, and challenged in schools. Also, many authors and their readers have been fined, imprisoned, threatened, assaulted and even executed for their association with banned books that were disapproved by some authorities and governments.
Steps to Participate
1: Choose and Read: Select and read a banned book: A banned book can be defined as, “any book that has been banned, censored, challenged or restricted.” The selected book can be any banned or challenged book. Ask any FC librarian with assistance in selecting or researching a banned book. The book does not have to be from FC Library.
2: Write: Compose a 500 -1,000 word essay answering only one of the four essay prompts below using supporting ideas from the banned book of your choosing. Essay Prompts:
- Prompt #1: What does this statement mean to you: “The vulnerable [or impressionable] must be protected from dangerous ideas?” How does this statement relate to your worldview? Do you need to be protected from dangerous ideas? Explain your reasoning and provide specific examples from your life experience and your chosen text.
- Prompt #2: Reading a controversial book can be a liberating experience. In what ways did your chosen book liberate you? Explain your reasoning and provide specific examples from your life experience and your chosen text.
- Prompt #3: How did you benefit from reading your chosen book? Provide one to three benefits and explain your reasoning. Be sure to link the benefits to specific examples from your life and chosen text.
- Prompt #4: Think about the time frame in which your book was banned/censored. After reading it, do you feel the banning/censoring was justified for the time? Do different times call for different levels of censorship? Explain your reasoning and provide specific examples from your life experience and your chosen text.
3: Proofread carefully: Faculty from English and other departments will evaluate each essay on the following criteria:
- Organization
- Strength of argument
- Personalization
- Evidence of Research / Supporting details
- Format
- Language mechanics (i.e., grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, etc.)
Use of the MLA format is encouraged.
4: Submit: your essay (.docx or .doc format only) on or before OCTOBER 14, 2024. Include your first name, last name and Banner ID number on the essay.
1.) Online: using the submission form on the library website. Or…
2.) E-mail: Email your submissions to vmacias@fullcoll.edu with the subject line “2024 Essay Contest Submission.
One essay submission per student. No hand-delivered paper submissions, please. Submissions sent after the posted date and time will not be considered.
For more information on Banned Books week, please visit the American Library Association Banned Books.
Academic Honesty
Fullerton College’s policy on plagiarism fully applies. Participating students who submit essays are responsible for submitting academically honest work by submitting original written work, with credit given to any sources where required, which includes the full, proper and complete use of citations and works cited pages. Essays with suspected plagiarism will be disqualified. Essays suspected of having been created wholly or partially with generative artificial intelligence output tools, such as ChatGPT, will be disqualified.