*Highlighted works indicated Banned Books author is of Latino/a descent, in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month
Curious about the reasons these authors were banned/censored/challenged? Read their stories in our reference volume Banned Books: Challenging our Freedom to Read. Available at the 1st Floor Reference Desk.
E184.M5 A63 1981 Occupied America: A History of Chicanos Acuna, Rodolfo
PS3551.L845 H66 1992 How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Alvarez, Julia
Paperbacks 2nd floor In the Time of Butterflies
PS3551.N27 B6 1994 Bless Me Ultima Anaya, Rodolfo
PS3551.N454 F66 1979 Flowers in the Attic Andrews, V.C.
PS3551.N464 Z466 1993 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya
PA3877.L8 1990 Lysistrata Aristophanes
PR9199.3.A8 H3 1986 The Handmaid’s Tale Atwood, Margaret
Paperback Auel Clan of the Cave Bear Auel, Jean
The Mammoth Hunters
Plains of Passage
Valley of the Horses
PS3552.A45 A5 Another Country Baldwin, James
PS3552.A45 B5 Blues for Mr. Charlie
PS3552.A45 G6 Go Tell It on the Mountain
PS3552.A45 I4 If Beale Street Could Talk
PN6727.B3757 Z46 2006 Fun Home: A Family Tragi-comic Bechdel, Alison
PR6003.E417 Z52 Borstal Boy Behan, Brendan
F294.S2 B48 1994 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: a Savannah Story Berendt, John
PS3552.E719 L5 1964 Little Big Man Berger, Thomas
B2430.B4 E72 1984 Creative Evolution Bergson, Henri
HV6439.U7 L72 1992 Do or Die Bing, Leon
PQ4272.E5 A357 1977 The Decameron Boccaccio, Giovanni
PS3503.O563 W5 1963 When the Legends Die Borland, Hal
DT407.4.B69 2010 Black Hawk Down: a Story of Modern War Bowden, Mark
The Tortilla Curtain Boyle, T. Coraghessan
PS3503.R167 F3 1993 Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray
PS3503.R167 M3 The Martian Chronicles
PS3503.R2736 A6 1989 Trout Fishing in America Brautigan, Richard
PS3552.R685434 D3 2003 The Da Vinci Code Brown, Dan
E81.B75 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Brown, Dee
PR6052.U638 C5 1972 A Clockwork Orange Burgess, Anthony
PS3505.A153 J86 1919 Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice Cabell, James Branch
PS3505.A322 G62 1933 God’s Little Acre Caldwell, Erskine
HV6533.K3 C3 In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences Capote, Truman
PS3553.A655 E5 1991 Ender’s Game Card, Orson Scott
PR4611.A4 G7 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis
E872.C37 Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President Carter, Jimmy
D285.8.C32 1902 The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Casanova, Giacomo
PQ6329.A2 1999 Don Quixote Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
GV884.C5 A38 Wilt Chamberlain, Wilt
PR1870.A1 H5 1946 The Canterbury Tales Chaucer, Geoffrey
PS3553.I78 H6 1991 House on Mango Street Cisneros, Sandra
PS3553.H3469 P47 2012 The Perks of Being a Wallflower Chbosky, Stephen
Paperback Chevalier Girl with a Pearl Earring Chevalier, Tracy
E185.97.C6 A3 1999 Soul on Ice Cleaver, Eldrige
PS3553.O5198 L6 2002 The Lords of Discipline Conroy, Pat
PQ4315.F45 The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri
PR3404.R69 J3 1964 Roxana Defoe, Daniel
PR3404.F65 1996b Moll Flanders
PR3403.A1 1986  Robinson Crusoe
B1848.E5 S9 Discourse on Method Descartes, Rene
PR4567.A1 2004 Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles
PG3326.P7 1966 Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
PE1126.N43 M38 2000 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
PS3507.R55 A44 1948 An American Tragedy Dreiser, Theodore
PS3507.R55 Z52 Dawn
PS3507.R55 S5 1927 Sister Carrie
HV6574.U6 D84 2011 A Stolen Life Dugard, Jackie
PL4378.9.D759 N4813 1993 Paradise of the Blind Duong Thu Huong
PR6007.U76 B55 1960 The Black Book Durrell, Lawrence
DS117.E2 My People: The History of the Jews Eban, Abba
E98.F6 A47 1984 American Indian Myths and Legends Erdoes, Richard and Alfonso Ortiz
Paperback Esquivel Like Water for Chocolate Esquivel, Laura
DT33.F313 2004 The Wretched of the Earth Fanon, Frantz
PS3511.A738 A6 1938 Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy Farrell, James
PS3511.A784 C58 1943 Citizen Tom Paine Fast, Howard
PS3511.A86 A85 1990 As I Lay Dying Faulkner, William
PS3511.A86 H36 1940 Hamlet
PS3511.A86 S26 1932 Sanctuary
PS3511.A86 S59 1957 Soldier’s Pay
PS3511.A86 W55 1939 Wild Palms
PQ2246.M2 E5 1969 Madame Bovary Flaubert, Gustave
PR6056.O45 P55 1989 Pillars of the Earth Follett, Ken
PR6011.O58 M3 1993 Maurice Forster, E.M.
PL2869.O128 L5613 2000 Soul Mountain Gao, Xingjian
PL2869.O128 Y49413 2002 One Man’s Bible: A Novel
PQ8180.17.A73 C54 1998 One Hundred Years of Solitude Garcia-Marquez, Gabriel
AC1 .G72 vol. 40-41 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Gibbon, Edward
PS3513.I74 2006 Collected Poems Ginsberg, Allen
PS3557.O47 M4 2001 Message to Aztlan Gonzales, Corky
PT2026.F2 P7 1941 Faust Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,
PR6013.O35 L67 1975 Lord of the Flies Golding, William
PN6790.J3 G7 2004 Manga: 60 Years of Japanese Comics Gravett, Paul
PS3607.R696 W38 2006 Water for Elephants Gruen, Sarah
PS3557.U846 S65 1994 Snow Falling on Cedars Guterson, David
PR4748.A1 1905 Tess of the D’Ubervilles Hardy, Thomas
PS1868 1993 The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathaniel
PS3558.E476 C3385 1961 Catch-22 Heller, Joseph
PS3558.E476 G66 1980 Good as Gold
PS3515.E37 A7 1950 Across the River and into the Trees Hemingway, Ernest
PS3515.E37 F3 1997 A Farewell to Arms
PS3515.E37 O4 1995 The Old Man and the Sea
PS3515.E37 F67 1940 For Whom the Bell Tolls
PS3515.E37 S8 1996 The Sun Also Rises
PS3515.E37 T6 1937 To Have and Have Not
PT2617.E85 S7 2002 Steppenwolf Hesse, Hermann
JC153.H65 1964 Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas
PA4025.A5 F4 The Odyssey Homer
Paperback Hosseini The Kite Runner Hosseini, Khaled
PE1126.N43 R54 2002 Les Miserables Hugo, Victor
PQ2288.A345 2002 Hunchback of Notre Dame de Paris
PR6015.U9 B65 1965 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous
PR6015.U9 E94 1936 Eyeless in Gaza
PT8862.A36 An Enemy of the People Ibsen, Henrik
PT8854.W3 Ghosts
PS3560.O49 F76 1951 From Here to Eternity Jones, James
PR6019.O9 U49 1961 Ulysses Joyce, James
PS3521.A47 A53 1955 Andersonville Kantor, MacKinlay
PA5610.K39 T45 1960 The Last Temptation of Christ Katzantzakis, Nikos
HQ18.U5 I6 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female Kinsey, Alfred
HQ18.U5 K5 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
PR6023.A93 L2 2007 Lady Chatterley’s Lover Lawrence, D.H.
PR6023.A93 W66 1922 Women in Love
PS3562.E3 U45 1958 The Ugly American Lederer, William and Eugene Burdick
PS3523.E94 C37 1945 Cass Timberlaine Lewis, Sinclair
PS3523.E94 E46 1979 Elmer Gantry
PS3523.E94 I8 1935 It Can’t Happen Here
PS3523.E94 K56 1947 Kingsblood Royal
PS3523.O46 C35 1963 Call of the Wild London, Jack
ETHS 140 Padilla Growing Up Chicana/o: An Anthology Lopez, Tiffany Ana
PQ2623.O8 A65 1933 Aphrodite Louys, Pierre
JC143.M38 1998 The Prince Machiavelli, Niccolo
PS3525.A4152 N35 1948 The Naked and the Dead Mailer, Norman
DT779.95.M36 A57 1986 The Struggle is My Life Mandela, Nelson
PS3563.A7239 G36 2013 A Game of Thrones Martin, George R.R.
E184.M5 A16 1991 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures Martinez, Elizabeth
HB501.M3625 2008 Capital Marx, Karl
BP135.8.W67 M4713 1991 The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of Women’s Rights in Islam Mernissi, Fatima
PS3525.I5156 D4 1977 Death of a Salesman Miller, Arthur
PR3560 1975 Paradise Lost Milton, John
PS3525.I5454 T7 Tropic of Cancer Miller, Henry
QH368.M88 The Naked Ape Morris, Desmond
PS3563.O8749 B55 2000 The Bluest Eye Morrison, Toni
PZ7.M992 Fal 1997 Fallen Angels Myers, Walter Dean
PS3527.A15 L6 1992 Lolita Nabokov, Vladimir
PS3529.H29 A66 1953 Appointment in the Samarra O’Hara, John
PR6029.R8 A63 1995 Animal Farm Orwell, George
B1900.E5 1989 The Provincial Letters Pascal, Blaise
PS3566.L27 B4 1998 The Bell Jar Plath, Sylvia
PQ1685.E5 D6 Gargantua and Pantagruel Rabelais, Francois
PT2635.E68 I67 1975 All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich
BT301.R4 Life of Jesus Renan, Ernest
PS3568.O34876 B69 1992 The Boy Without a Flag: Tales of the South Bronx Rodriguez, Abraham
HV6439.U7 L77 2005 Always Running Rodriguez, Luis J.
E184.M5 R634 1996 Chicano! The History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement Rosales, Francisco
PS3568.O855 P6 Portnoy’s Complaint Roth, Philip
PR9499.3.R8 S28 1989 The Satanic Verses Rushdie, Salman
PS3537.A426 C38 2014 Catcher in the Rye Salinger, J.D.
PN6747.S245 P4713 2003 Persepolis: The Story of Childhood Satrapi, Marjane
PR2825.A2 M6 1992 The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare, William
PR2828.A23 1978 King Richard II
PR5363.M7 Mrs. Warren’s Profession Shaw, George Bernard
PQ2664.A437 B35 2002 Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Sijie, Dai
HQ76.S533 2006 The Joy of Gay Sex Silverstein, Charles and Edmund White
PS3537.I85 J85 2003 The Jungle Sinclair, Upton
PS3537.I85 O55 1980 Oil!
DS775.S72 1973x Red Star Over China Snow, Edgar
HV9713.S6413 Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
PG3488.O4 O35 1963 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
PS3537.T3234 E37 1952 East of Eden Steinbeck, John
PS3537.T3234 G8 2002 Grapes of Wrath
PS3537.T3234 O35a 1964 Of Mice and Men
PQ2435.R72 The Red and the Black Stendhal
PN6231.P6 S84a 2006 American (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction Stewart,Jon, Ben Karlin and David Javerbaum
PS2954.U56 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher
PS3569.T9 S67 1979 Sophie’s Choice Styron, William
PR3724.G8 F61 Gulliver’s Travels Swift, Jonathan
PR6039.O32 L6 2001 The Lord of the Rings Tolkien, J.R.R.
PG3366.A13 M38 1940 The Kreutzer Sonata Tolstoy, Leo
PS1305.A1 1962 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark
PS3571.P4 R28 1960 Rabbit Run Updike, John
Paperback Voltaire Candide Voltaire
PS3572.O5 S6 1994 Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Kurt
PS3573.A425 C6 1992 The Color Purple Walker, Alice
PS3573.A425 T46 1989 The Temple of My Familiar
GN484.W35 1993 Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Binding of Women
PS3573.A475 D45 1983 The Delta Star Wambaugh, Joseph
PS3201 1965 Leaves of Grass Whitman, Walt
PE1126.N43 M44 1999 Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar
PR5820.S2 Salome
PS3545.R815 Z9 Black Boy Wright, Richard
PQ2510.A34 1927 Nana Zola, Emile