Fullerton College Library

Loans from Other LibrariesLibrarian giving resource to student

Not finding the right resources at Fullerton College?

Fullerton College Library can order materials from other libraries on your behalf.  Just fill out the Interlibrary Loan form with your request and return it to the Reference Desk on the 1st floor. But, plan ahead! It can take one to two weeks to receive items.

For more information on how Interlibrary Loans work, who is eligible, and what to expect, take a look at Interlibrary Loan Rules.


Community College Libraries

Cypress College Library

You need a valid student ID from Cypress College to borrow books from the circulating collection.
Students taking a class from Fullerton College can check out Reserve materials with their Fullerton College Student ID.

GoldenWest College Library

You need a valid student ID from Golden West to borrow books from the circulating collection.
Students taking a class from Fullerton College can check out Reserve materials with their Fullerton College Student ID.

Orange Coast College Library

You need a valid student ID from Orange Coast College to borrow books from the circulating collection.
Students taking a class from Fullerton College can check out Reserve materials with their Fullerton College Student ID.

Cal State University Libraries

Pollak Library, CSUF

Fullerton College students may check out books from Pollak Library at California State University, Fullerton. Please review the Fullerton College/CSUF Pollack Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement for more information.


University of California Libraries

University of California, Irvine

Users who are not affiliated with the University of California or who do not qualify for courtesy cards may purchase library cards.  When applying for a card you must present verification/proof of your current address and a government issued photo ID.

University of California, Los Angeles

Students, faculty, and staff from other UC campuses are eligible for free UCLA library cards. Library cards for students at California Community Colleges and California State Universities are $25 for a six-month period and $50 for one year. Transfer Alliance Program participants are eligible for a free library card.

All University of California Libraries

Although borrowing policies vary per University, all University of California resources are open to search through the UCI and UCLA Library catalogs. Simply use the catalog’s “Advanced Search” feature to search for materials across the entire UC system. Fullerton College can request these resources through an Interlibrary Loan.

Public Libraries

Fullerton Public Library

All California residents with proper identification may apply for a library card with the Fullerton Public Library. You will need a valid picture ID and proof of your current address. In most cases, a CA Driver License will meet both these requirements.

Orange County Public Libraries

To apply for a library card you must be a California resident and provide a government issued photo ID such as your valid Driver’s License, State ID, Passport, Consulate ID card or an active Military ID.

Los Angeles Public Libraries

Library Cards are free to residents of California. You must, however, have photo identification with your name and current address. Identification can be a California driver’s license or an ID card issued by the DMV. ID cards issued by the Mexican, Argentinian and Korean consulates can be used as the sole ID requirement for obtaining a library card.